Wax Melts RSS

Candles, Car Diffusers, Christmas, Designer Perfume, Gift Ideas, Home Fragrance, New!, Scented Sizzlers, Simmering Granules, Wax Melts -

It’s that time of year again, the days are getting shorter, dark nights, cold mornings! We love it because it also means something else… Christmas is almost here!  During the Christmas season, we all love to get the decorations out and blast Christmas music all day long! However, sometimes in the rush of everything, we can forget about the scent. To fully embrace the Christmas spirit, we need to ensure our homes smell of Christmas spirit! What better way to do that than with our Christmas scents to brighten the mood. Now, at Christmas, it’s important to get things right....

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New!, Wax Melts -

Here at Aroma Luxe, our passion lies within creating the best products, combined with the best service for the best people… you. That’s our goal, to be the place to go for amazing scents!  Okay, so what is it that makes us such a great place to shop?  Free Delivery* Firstly, we offer Free UK Delivery Over £30. We understand that feeling, when you add things to your basket, get through to checkout, then your order jumps up in price because of the delivery cost. We don’t want that for our customers, which is why we have Free UK Delivery...

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Charity, Home Fragrance, Inspired by, Pride, Wax Melts -

Taste The Rainbow! "Sounds Gay, Im In"  - Check out our sassy new scent 'Rainbow Kiss' Inspired by the 50th Anniversary of Pride, we have combined colour with scent and found a fruity wax melt dedicated to this special occassion.

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Candles, Home Fragrance, Wax Melts -

Wax frosting, is the bane of all you candle lover's lives! So, what actually is wax frosting? Wax frosting is the buildup of a white crystalline layer on the surface of natural waxes, especially soy. It is a natural effect of soy candles and happens as the wax tries to regain it’s natural form. All the candle & wax melt lovers out there understand the feeling of finding an old candle or wax tart in a draw that you’ve been missing… to find it's been covered in wax frosting! Why does Wax Frosting happen? Wax melt frosting occurs for several...

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Best Sellers, Home Fragrance, Inspired by, New!, Scented Sizzlers, Simmering Granules, Wax Melts -

I know, I know….its not quite summer, but we are so excited! We have seen a few glorious days of sun in the UK, but as usual, the British weather soon changes…Don’t despair as the arrival of our favourite love programme is coming back on our telly, so let’s keep feeling the summer vibes. Here at Aroma Luxe we are in full summer mode and cannot wait any longer. We have created a top 5 list of summer scents and home fragrance must haves. To really get the party started, a new gift set inspired by the island of love with a collection of...

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